Thursday, December 18, 2008

Cupcake Decorating with Lexi & Lauren

Here are some pictures from my awesome day with Pres! We took it easy, cleaned the house & then she helped me bake cupcakes, which we decorated with our friends Lexi & Lauren.

Her favorite thing to mama cook!

She would stir all day if she could, she loves it!

Presley the artist.

Lexi & Lauren hard at work.


The two recognizable reindeer of the pack.

Presley's "Reindeer" cupcake.

Trying to decide whether it's "peem" (ice cream) or "chockit milk"...she hasn't had frosting very much yet.

Sweet kisses!

The frosted face that takes my breath away...

P decided the m&m filled candy cane was a Peewee size walking cane.

Pres decided to give Dada a new 'do when he got home.

Daddy being a stinker with Peewee...they look so much alike!

Pres helping herself to some leftovers.

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