Thursday, December 11, 2008

First family blog post EVAR....

So we decided to create a little blog for our little family, this way all our adoring fans can keep up with our busy rockstar lifestyle. For those of you that blinked and missed it, our little Presley is 2. We just had her birthday party last week and it couldn't have been more fun. She got some great gifts, thanks to everyone who was able to make it! On a similar note, Greg just turned 25 yesterday....unlike Pres, he doesn't look any older.

Things are going pretty well for us these days. Greg is FINALLY programming; which, if you know him at all, is obviously the perfect job for him. He really loves it and is doing great and learning a ton. I am working at the same company as the Admin, and my job isn't nearly as important or challenging. However, it is a great company to work for and we're having a blast working together. We just worked it out so that I will be working part-time instead of full-time though. It's been hard to be away from Presley so much, but I still want to contribute to our income (if only a tiny bit). It actually worked out perfectly because my sister was looking for a job, so she will be taking the part-time slot that my decrease in hours has opened up.

God has been getting really creative in the ways he works in our lives lately. We've just started helping with the youth at our church, which has been such a huge blessing! We are still trying to get to know all the kids, but I already feel like I have learned a lot from them just by watching them and hearing the questions they ask and so on....I've probably learned more from them already than I will ever be able to teach them. I'm also leading worship for them on Sunday mornings, which has been another tremendous blessing. I had been praying for an opportunity to get plugged in with some kind of music ministry, and God opened up the perfect usual!

Presley is speaking in full sentences now, which is still kind of weird to hear. She doesn't seem big enough to know some of the words she knows. She is incredibly smart just like her daddy. Today we came home for lunch and when Greg said "Okay P, mommy and daddy have to go back to work," she replied "Daddy go work, Mommy stay here." What an awesome gift she is, and I am so excited to have more time with her now!

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